Saturday, February 13, 2016

Aloe vera - Medicinal Uses,Classification,Description (ALL THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW!) : Indian Forestry

Aloe vera

Scientific classificatione
Species:A. vera
In the past , it has been assigned to the family Aloaceaw (now included in the Xanthorrhoeaceae) or to a broadly circumscribed family Liliaceace( the lilly family). It is the main source of of DRUG aloe. There are 275 sp. in which 3 sp. are important for commercially purpose that are 
  • A. barbadensis :-it yields Curacao aloe or Indian aloe or jaffarabad aloe or Barbadose aloe. Mostly produced in West Indies. 
  • A. ferox :- it is hybrid  and yields cap aloe. mostly produced in South Africa.
  • A. perryi :- it yields socotrine aloe.  
When we cut the leaf from base and letting the yellow bitter juice from where the water is evaporated and we get light to dark bitter juice and that juice is Drug aloe. It is present in specialised cells beneath , the thick epidermis yields Drug aloe and the paranchymatous tissue in the center of the leaf contains a mucilaginous gel which yields gel Aloe or aloe vera gel ,it is currently obtained from the sp. A. barbadensis.

Origin and distribution:-

  • It belongs to the old world and native to the eastern and southern Africa , the canary island & Spain.
  • It spread to the Mediterranean basin. And in 16th century it reached to the India , West Indies , China and other countries.
  • At present, it is also cultivated by the farmers for commercial purpose in some parts of south Africa
  • It also cultivated throughout India. 

  • It is stemless or very short - stemmed succulent plant growing to 60-100 cm (24-39 in) tall, spreading by offset (produce a tuft of leaves).
  • The leaves as thick and fleshy, green to grey green with some varieties show white flocks on the their upper and lower stem.
  • The margin of the leaves are serrated and having small white teeth.
  • Flower produced in summer.
  • Aloe vera forms arbuscular mycorrhiza , a symbiosis that allows the plant better access to mineral nutrient  in the soil.
NOTE:- Normally, the plant is not Affected by any disease of a serious nature. But recently , the leaf spot disease caused by Altarnaria alternata and Fusarium solani has been reported from India.


  • Fresh aloe gel is well known for it domestic medicinal value.
  • Aloe vera is also called burn,first aid or medicinal value.
  • When freshly obtained, gel has the property of relieving thermal burns and sunburns as well as promoting wound healing.
  • It also used as home remedy due to having moisturising and emollient (soothing ointment) properties. It has beneficial effect on the skin.

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