Monday, April 25, 2016

Taxacum officinale - Dandelion, Kanphool, Kukraundha : Description and Medicinal Uses

Taxacum officinale (COMMON DANDELION)


Species:T. officinale
Taxacum officinale

Taraxacum officinale is native to Europe and Asia,and was originally imported to America as a food crop.This species is a somewhat prolific seed producer, with 54 to 172 seeds produced per head, and a single plant can produce more than 5,000 seeds a year. It is estimated that more than 97,000,000 seeds/hectare could be produced yearly by a dense stand of dandelions.

It can be found growing in temperate regions of the world, in lawns, on roadsides, on disturbed banks and shores of water ways, and other areas with moist soils. T. officinale is considered a weed, especially in lawns and along roadsides, but it is sometimes used as a medicinal herb and in food preparation.


 Common dandelion is well known for its yellow flower heads that turn into round balls of silver tufted fruits that disperse in the wind called "blowballs" or "clocks" 



The plant is known to have high medicinal value. It has been mentioned for its reliever properties in Arabian medical history records, Welsh Manuscripts and English Herbal literature written in the 17th century. The plants roots have been used by renowned herbalists as a tonic. It is known to increase secretion and urine. It also acts a placid purgative.
The root of the Dandelion is a registered drug in Canada and is primarily sold as a diuretic. The hepatoprotective effect of the plant is also known widely. It is also used as a mild laxative. The plant is also used to improve digestion and in increasing appetite. The milky latex that is extracted from the plant is used to relieve warts and as a mosquito repellant.
Dye colors yellow and green are obtained from the flowers of the plant. The caterpillars are also fed this herb.


  • Bone Disorders: The high content of organic magnesium in the plant makes it very good for relieving bone disorders. The juice of the leave with carrot or turnip is used to relieve bone ailments.
  • Liver and Gall Bladder ailments: Taraxacum Officinale is beneficial for relieving liver and bladder problems. It plays an important role in handling fat levels in the body. It also has properties that help in flushing toxins out of the body. Tea made of Dandelion is known for its benefits.
  • General Debility: Taraxacum Officinale is a general body tonic that supports the waste disposal function of the human body. It helps in bowel movement and improves skin conditions.
  • Urinary disorders: Dandelion Tea is used to relieve urinary dysfunctions. The tea of the plant is made from its flowers, fresh leaves and buds.
  • Warts: Milk extracted from the cut of the Taraxacum Officinale if applied on warts is benefiting.
............By Ashutosh Lohani.

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