Saturday, March 5, 2016

Reinwardtia indica {Basanti flower} - Indian forestry

Reinwardtia indica (Basanti flower)

Scientific classification
Species:R. indica

Reinwardtia indica also known as "Yellow flax" in English ,"Basanti" in Hindi ,"Pyauli" in Nepali.
It belongs to the family of Linaceae mainly found in the Himalayas. One thing to be remember that at present(2016) it is the only genus of Reinwardtia i.e. it is a monotypic.

This plant has a story of its name Pyauli. Pyauli is a name of a maiden who used to lives in the Forest of Himalayas. She was raised by the animal and her first contact with a person who is prince. He lived in the plains and  one day he travelled to mountain of Himalayas for Hunting expenditure.During Hunting he lost his way and came upon Pyauli. Overwhelmed by her unspoiled beauty and natural charm the hunter forgot his prey and immediately proposed  for marriage to Pyauli.She was natural loving person so she was reluctant to leave her home in the mountains but the prince persuaded  her with gifts and promise of a comfortable, luxurious life in his palace in plains. She soon grew to love him very much and there wedding was celebrated with lavish ceremonies and feast. but despite of all things , she retained her fresh and simple innocence. At the time passes , she gradually become ill and weak with her longing for home , though her beauty never waned. The prince summoned doctors to cure her but none of their medicine any effect. Taken away from the mountain she could not survive the heat and dust of the plains. When she finally died , Pyauli was cremated and prince carried her ashes  back to the mountains.This had been her final request and her ashes were scattered in the forests and meadows which had been her home. Where they fell, a bright yellow flower bloomed out of the dead leaves on the ground. These blossoms are called Pyauli in her memory. 


Yellow flax is a erect to spreading , up to 1 m tall. It is also gazed by the animals.


Yellow flax is found from Pakistan to SW China, at altitude up to 1800 m. it is common wild flower of north-India hill-station.



  • Flower of this plant is 2" wide .
  • It is also described as being Fugacious (Corolla wither and fall off easily)
  • Corolla composed of 5 petals cleverly overlapped and fused to form 2 cm tube.
  • It has a fine reddish veins such lines are termed as nectar guide and nectar lines which is helpful to communicate with pollinating insects for where to go to find a  nectar reward.
  • Emerging from the floral tubes are observed these curiously shaped green stigma on three styles nearly 2 cm in length. 

  • Leaves of this flower is elliptical to inverted lance-shaped.
  • Leaves of this plant is simple leaf.


  • The yellow dye is made from flower which is used for dyeing the clothes and making paints.
  • It is used in India traditional medicine for the treatment of paralysis.
  • The crushed leaves and stems of the plant are used to heal a suppurating wound.

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