Monday, October 19, 2015

Lantana camara : Morphology ,Uses - INDIAN FORESTRY

Lantana camara      
Scientific name              -           lantana
Higher classification     -          lantana
Rank                                -          Species

 LANTANA CAMARA is a low erect or subscandent , vigorous  shrub with stout recurved prickles  and a strong odour of blacks currents.
Lantana is present in many pactic island nation on Pacific rim it occurrs in Australia , Newzealand , China , Thailand  , Indonesia  and India.
                   DANGEROUS /POISONOUS
  Warning  pets have reportedly become ill after injesting lantana , the unripe berries are known to be very toxic and the foliage toxic to livestock.
                   MEDICINAL USES
LANTANA CAMARA leaves are boiled and applied for swelling and pain of the body. Its bark is astringent and used as a lotion in cutiginous eruption, leprous ulcers.
LANTANA  is listed as a category | invasive exotic specie by the Florida exotic pest plant council , which means that it is known to be invading disrupting native plant.
                     INDIGENOUS PRACTICES
Lantana camara is grown as hedge plant its stalks are used as raw material for paper pulp which used for wrapping , writing and printing paper.
By M.S. Khan
Photo Credits - Ashutosh Lohani.

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